Saturday, September 10, 2005

The Phone Company

President Bush has recently asked for an additional 53.1 billion dollars to help with Katrina. This brings the total up to 63.1 billion dollars...

Lets take another look at that number, 63.1 billion...

Wow... I still can't belive it... maybe it would help if I included the zeros and the commas, but unfortunetly I have larger concerns than to teach a bunch of people, the aesthetic beauty of simplisitic arithmatic.

With this additional 63.1 billion dollars, the total cost of the hurricane would amount to, about, 200 billion dollars. Now, I know your thinking, 'damn thats alot of money, but too bad nothing could be done... after all it is a naturual desaster.'

Well that's true, nothing can be done about what happend in New Orleans, the levies were old... and let's face it... the city was a natural bowl... I mean, who in their right mind would biuld a city surrounded by three bodies of water, that was under sea level?

Let's suppose, for a minute, that hurricane relief was product, such as a phone, and the United States government was a company that had announced that its product would be released on August 20th. Yet at the last minute the company realized that there was a major bug in their phone, that while you could call people, they couldn't hear what you were saying... Wouldn't you expect the compnay to delay the release of the product until the bug was fixed?

What would you say if you were trapped in side your house with water up to your nose, despirately trying to call for help with a cell phone that doesn't work all because your phone company couldn't get it right the first time?

I know what I would say... Time to change the phone company!


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